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nRF5340とは何ですか? Nov 23, 2019
2019 年 11 月 14 日、Nordic は、次世代 nRF53 シリーズ チップの最初のメンバーであるnRF5340ハイエンド マルチプロトコル システム レベル チップの発売を発表しました。NordicのnRF51およびnRF52マルチプロトコルシリーズチップを内蔵するこのチップは、同時にデュアルプロセッサハードウェアアーキテクチャを導入しており、高性能、低消費電力、拡張性、高い耐熱性の利点を備えており、スマートホームで広く使用できます、屋内ナビゲーション、プロ仕様の照明、産業オートメーション、ウェアラブル デバイス、その他の複雑なインターネット アプリケーション。

Arm cor-M33 デュアルコア プロセッサの設計に基づいた nRF5340 は、高性能アプリケーション プロセッサ、プログラム可能な超低電力ネットワーク プロセッサ、およびセキュリティ機能を低電力マルチプロトコル SoC に統合します。同時に、このチップは動的なマルチプロトコルのサポートも強化し、Bluetooth 5.1、低電力 Bluetooth、Bluetooth Mesh、Thread、Zigbeeプロトコルをサポートします。低電力 Bluetooth を使用してスマートフォンで構成またはデバッグでき、メッシュ ネットワークと対話できます。ワイヤレス送信機は、Bluetooth 5.1 方向探知機能がすべて搭載されています。nRF5340 は 1.7 ~ 5.5V の電源電圧範囲で動作し、充電式バッテリと USB 電源が可能です。

nRF5340 integrates a new power-optimized multi-protocol 2.4ghz radio with a transmitting current of 3.2ma (0dbm transmitting power, 3V, DC/DC) and a receiving current of 2.6ma (3V, DC/DC). The sleep current was as low as 1.1 A.

nRF5340 SoC

The nRF5340 launched this time, the main processor Application processor is responsible for the calculation of complex functions and bluetooth protocol stack. It adopts the Arm architecture -m33 under the Arm architecture that has always been used by Nordic, and mounts DSP and floating point functions at the same time, which can be used for third-party development and Application. The kernel runs at up to 128 MHz, supports voltage and frequency regulation, and contains dedicated 1 MB of flash memory and 512 KB of RAM memory, which can meet the needs of the next generation of cutting-edge wearable devices and significantly improve performance over the previous generation of nRF52840.

The sub-core Network processor can be used as the computation of additional and uncomplicated content, which also USES Arm corcor-m33, the kernel runs at 64 MHz (238 CoreMark), and is dedicated to 256 KB flash and 64 KB memory. The low power consumption and low duty cycle sensor acquisition during radio operation are optimized. Provides optimal implementation of the 2.4 GHz private protocol and ensures portability from the nRF51 and nRF52 series.

The two processors can work independently of each other, connect directly through the IPC, or wake up to each other, but consider their respective protection Settings.

In addition, the application processor also integrates security functions such as Arm cryptocell-312 security key storage, providing the highest level of security. It works by hardware accelerating common Internet encryption standards while providing system-wide hardware isolation for trusted software by creating secure and non-secure code execution areas on a single kernel. At the same time, the chip's integrated security features support firmware updates that can protect the chip from malicious attacks.

It is worth mentioning that nRF5340 integrates XTAL load capacitors for 32 MHz and 32.762 kHz crystals. Compared with Nordic's nRF52 series, the number of external components required is reduced by 4, thus reducing the material list and solution size.

It is reported that the 7x7mm aQFN package nRF5340 SoC engineering samples with 48 GPIO ports will soon be industrialized.

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